Pegasus Wooburn Bales

10 Wycombe Lane, Wooburn Green, High Wycombe, HP10 0HE
1 house is under construction, next delivery in 2022 
Coming soon

Pegasus Wooburn Bales on the map of Buckinghamshire

10 Wycombe Lane, Wooburn Green, High Wycombe, HP10 0HE

Project characteristics

О доме

🟧 TenureLeasehold
🟧 Height ClassificationLow-rise
🟧 Quality ClassificationLater living homes
🟧 Number of floors4
🟧 Number of units44
🟧 ParkingAllocated car parking
🟧 Number of buildings1
🟧 Off-plan propertyNo
🟧 Property TypeApartments
🟧 ConciergeNo
🟧 GymNo
🟧 Kid’s FacilitiesNo
🟧 Swimming PoolNo
🟧 Warranty10-Year NHBC Warranty
🟧 Bicycle StorageYes
🟧 LiftYes

About the units

🟧 Outside spaceBalcony
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Where is Pegasus Wooburn Bales located?

10 Wycombe Lane, Wooburn Green, High Wycombe, HP10 0HE.

What is the minimum price of a property in Pegasus Wooburn Bales?

Coming soon.

When will Pegasus Wooburn Bales be commissioned?

Pegasus Wooburn Bales – completion in Q3 2022.

Who is the developer of Pegasus Wooburn Bales in Buckinghamshire?

Developer Pegasus Wooburn Bales – Pegasus.