
Heathfield Square

Heathfield Square, Wandsworth, SW18 3HZ
1 house delivered
Apartments from the developer are sold

Heathfield Square on the map of London

Heathfield Square, Wandsworth, SW18 3HZ

Project characteristics

О доме

🟧 TenureFreehold&Leasehold
🟧 Height ClassificationMid-rise
🟧 Quality ClassificationHigh-end
🟧 Number of floors5
🟧 Number of units18
🟧 Security & SafetyMulti-lock door and spy hole to apartment entrance, Hardwired doorbell, Audio door entry system and handset
🟧 ParkingAllocated parking for each unit (Wandsworth Council will not issue new parking permits for surrounding streets or transfer any existing parking permits across to this development)
🟧 Number of buildings1
🟧 Off-plan propertyNo
🟧 Property TypeApartments, Duplexes, Tonwhouses
🟧 ConciergeNo
🟧 GymNo
🟧 Swimming PoolNo
🟧 Bicycle StorageYes
🟧 Energy EfficiencyPredicated energy assessment – Level B

About the units

🟧 BedroomPenthouse Solistice carpet, Fitted wardrobes to master bedroom, Pendant lighting to all bedrooms
🟧 Outside spaceBalconies to all apartments and gardens to houses
🟧 DoorsWooden door to main entrance with glass panel
🟧 BathroomQuality three piece white bathroom suite with chrome bath/shower mixer tap, Glass shower screen, Chrome heated towel rail, Grey half-height tiling in bathroom with full-height tiling around bath and floor
🟧 CommunicationsTV points in living and master bedrooms, Satellite TV socket in lounge (subscription required)
🟧 FloorHigh quality, durable carpeting and floor finishes throughout
🟧 KitchenContemporary kitchens from the Berkeley range fitted in grey to all units, Quartz polar white worktop and grey splashback, Stainless steel 1.5 bowl sink with drainer and chrome mixer tap, Integrated Bosch appliances including ceramic hob, fan oven and grill, fridge/freezer and dishwasher, Recessed LED chrome down lights Large storage areas to duplexes and houses, Engineered Oak flooring to entrance hall, living/kitchen area and white skirting/architrave
Other websites about the project

Where is Heathfield Square located?

Heathfield Square, Wandsworth, SW18 3HZ.

When will Heathfield Square be commissioned?

Heathfield Square – delivered.

Are there any apartments for sale from the developer?

According to our information in Heathfield Square there are currently no apartments available for sale from the developer.

Who is the developer of Heathfield Square in London?

Developer Heathfield Square – Optivo.