
Butler Court

Hyde Lane, SW11 3EX
Apartments from the developer are sold

Butler Court on the map of London

Hyde Lane, SW11 3EX

Project characteristics

О доме

🟧 TenureLeasehold
🟧 Height ClassificationMid-rise
🟧 Quality ClassificationHigh-end
🟧 Number of units1
🟧 Security & SafetySecure door entry system via mobile phone
🟧 ParkingNo allocated parking
🟧 AmenitiesCommunal gardens
🟧 Number of buildings1
🟧 Off-plan propertyNo
🟧 Property TypeApartments
🟧 ConciergeNo
🟧 GymNo
🟧 Swimming PoolNo
🟧 Bicycle StorageYes
🟧 Energy EfficiencyEnergy Rating Band – B, Environmental Impact Band – B

About the units

🟧 GeneralUtility cupboard with plumbing for washing machine
🟧 BedroomDouble bedroom with fitted wardrobes
🟧 Heating & CoolingUnderfloor heating
🟧 WindowsDouble glazing
🟧 Outside spacePrivate terrace
🟧 BathroomBathroom with heated towel rail
🟧 KitchenOpen plan kitchen fitted with appliances
Other websites about the project

Where is Butler Court located?

Hyde Lane, SW11 3EX.

Are there any apartments for sale from the developer?

According to our information in Butler Court there are currently no apartments available for sale from the developer.

Who is the developer of Butler Court in London?

Developer Butler Court – SO Resi.