
Aston Brook

Brook Street, Aston Clinton, HP22 5ES
Houses from the developer are sold

Aston Brook on the map of Buckinghamshire

Brook Street, Aston Clinton, HP22 5ES

Property Details

О доме

🟧 TenureFreehold
🟧 Height ClassificationLow-rise
🟧 Quality ClassificationHigh-end
🟧 Number of floors3
🟧 ParkingPrivate parking for each unit
🟧 Off-plan propertyYes
🟧 Property TypeDetached houses
🟧 ConciergeNo
🟧 GymNo
🟧 Kid’s FacilitiesNo
🟧 Swimming PoolNo
🟧 Bicycle StorageNo
🟧 LiftNo

About the units

🟧 BedroomEn suite bedrooms with space-saving built-in wardrobes
🟧 DoorsOak veneer internal doors, Bi-fold patio doors
🟧 KitchenBranded appliances, Solid stone worktops
Get more information about this development

Where is Aston Brook located?

Brook Street, Aston Clinton, HP22 5ES.

Are there any apartments for sale from the developer?

According to our information in Aston Brook there are currently no apartments available for sale from the developer.

Who is the developer of Aston Brook in Buckinghamshire?

Developer Aston Brook – Bovis Homes.