
Turner Place

The Moors, Thatcham, RG19 4AT
Developer’s apartments
price upon request

Turner Place on the map of Berkshire

The Moors, Thatcham, RG19 4AT

Project characteristics

О доме

🟧 TenureLeasehold
🟧 Height ClassificationLow-rise
🟧 Quality ClassificationRetirement living
🟧 Security & SafetyCamera entry system
🟧 ParkingAvailable
🟧 AmenitiesCommunal lounge, Guest suite, Wheelchair access, Mobility scooter room, Pets allowed, Landscaped and communal gardens, Dedicated House Manager
🟧 Number of buildings1
🟧 Off-plan propertyNo
🟧 Property TypeApartments
🟧 ConciergeNo
🟧 GymNo
🟧 Kid’s FacilitiesNo
🟧 Swimming PoolNo
🟧 Bicycle StorageNo
🟧 LiftLifts to all floors

About the units

🟧 Outside spaceBalcony to all apartments
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Where is Turner Place located?

The Moors, Thatcham, RG19 4AT.

What is the minimum price of a property in Turner Place?

Price on request.

How to buy an apartment in Turner Place in Berkshire?

In this complex you can buy apartments with a Mortgage.

Who is the developer of Turner Place in Berkshire?

Developer Turner Place – McCarthy & Stone.