
Sonning Grove

Sonning Common RG4 9LN
Houses from the developer are sold

Sonning Grove on the map of Berkshire

Sonning Common RG4 9LN

Project characteristics

О доме

🟧 TenureFreehold
🟧 Height ClassificationLow-rise
🟧 Quality ClassificationHigh-end
🟧 Number of floors3
🟧 Security & SafetyMains powered smoke alarm in hall, Mains powered carbon monoxide detector in close proximity to boiler, Door bell with chrome bell push ■
🟧 ParkingPrivate parking for each unit
🟧 Off-plan propertyYes
🟧 Property Type(Semi-) Detached houses
🟧 ConciergeNo
🟧 GymNo
🟧 Kid’s FacilitiesNo
🟧 Swimming PoolNo
🟧 Warranty10 year NHBC warranty
🟧 Bicycle StorageNo
🟧 LiftNo

About the units

🟧 GeneralShaver socket to bathroom and ensuites
🟧 Heating & CoolingGas fired boiler feeding compact radiators with thermostatic valves
🟧 Electricity & LightingChrome downlights to kitchen, bathroom and ensuite with pendant fittings to all other rooms
🟧 WindowsuPVC Double glazed windows with multipoint locking system
🟧 Outside spacePower and lighting to garage within curtilage of plot, Buff Riven paved patios, External water tap
🟧 Walls & CeilingsWhite emulsion walls and smooth white ceilings
🟧 DoorsLow energy external light to front and rear door, Ladder style white doors with chrome door furniture, uPVC French doors with multipoint locking system ■ ■
🟧 Interior FinishesBrilliant white gloss woodwork, White painted timber staircase
🟧 BathroomIdeal Standard white sanitaryware with contemporary chrome fittings, Splashback tiling to basin in bathrooms, cloakrooms and ensuites, Full-height tiling to shower areas, Chrome heated towel rail to bathrooms and ensuites
🟧 CommunicationsTV point to living room, bedroom 1 and family area (where applicable), Telephone point to living room and bedroom 1
🟧 KitchenFully fitted kitchen with laminate worktops and upstand, Stainless steel chimney style extractor hood, Dishwasher, Washing machine
Other websites about the project

Where is Sonning Grove located?

Sonning Common RG4 9LN.

Are there any apartments for sale from the developer?

According to our information in Sonning Grove there are currently no apartments available for sale from the developer.

Who is the developer of Sonning Grove in Berkshire?

Developer Sonning Grove – Linden Homes.