New build houses in Lewisham

2 cottages
Described how to buy real estate in Georgia: from choosing a location to completing the transaction

Prices for cottage communities in other areas

Greenwichfrom ‍830 £ / ft2
Bromleyfrom ‍495 £ / ft2
Mertonfrom ‍934 £ / ft2
Haveringfrom ‍430 £ / ft2
Barnetfrom ‍675 £ / ft2
Enfieldfrom ‍605 £ / ft2

Prices for cottage communities in localities near Lewisham

Londonfrom ‍642 £ / ft2
Surreyfrom ‍475 £ / ft2
Hertfordshirefrom ‍493 £ / ft2
Essexfrom ‍361 £ / ft2
Kentfrom ‍358 £ / ft2
Berkshirefrom ‍430 £ / ft2
Buckinghamshirefrom ‍400 £ / ft2
Milton Keynesfrom ‍350 £ / ft2
Manchesterfrom ‍302 £ / ft2
Greater Manchesterfrom ‍285 £ / ft2